

Welcome to "Learning in the Past." This blog contains historical information studied at the 8th grade level in Alabama. The title, "Learning in the Past," suggests that we not only hope to learn about the past, but we also hope to learn from the past (plus, some other blog names were already taken). Again, welcome and thanks for joining us on our journey.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Medieval Japan Study Guide

1.      Who was Japan’s first Shogun?
2.      Name four of the largest islands in Japan.
3.      Who was the first of the Yamato leaders in Japan?
4.      What was the name of warriors who agreed to fight for nobles in exchange for land?
5.      What was a shogunate?
6.      Who was Murasaki Shikibu?
7.      What did Zen Buddhism teach?
8.      Who was Ashikaga Takauji?
9.      The Onin War was a time when…
10.  Today’s emperor of Japan is descended from which clan?
11.  List some characteristics of the samurai.
12.  Government officials during the Nara Period were hired because they…
13.  What did the Yamato do during the Great Change?
14.  Which of the four major Japanese islands is the farthest south?
15.  Why did the emperor create the title of shogun?
16.  What happened when the Mongols attacked Japan?
17.  What crops did Japanese farmers grow?
18.  What is calligraphy?
19.  A bond of loyalty between a lord and a vassal is known as what?
20.  Most Japanese believed that Buddhism benefited them how?
21.  Yayoi clans were headed by whom?
22.  What do people who follow Shinto believe?
23.  What country’s government did Prince Shotoku use as an example for Japan?
24.  What is a written plan of government called?
25.  This sport taught the Japanese to control their bodies through combat and self-defense.

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