

Welcome to "Learning in the Past." This blog contains historical information studied at the 8th grade level in Alabama. The title, "Learning in the Past," suggests that we not only hope to learn about the past, but we also hope to learn from the past (plus, some other blog names were already taken). Again, welcome and thanks for joining us on our journey.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Medieval Europe Study Guide

1.      Alfred the Great…
2.      What was the Hundred Years’ War?
3.      The Estates-General was…
4.      What is the vernacular?
5.      Which Crusade succeeded in driving the Muslims out of Jerusalem?
6.      The Inquisition was…
7.      The Magna Carta…
8.      What happened after the Romans pulled out of Britain?
9.      Serfs were peasants who were not allowed to…
10.  Where did the Franks settle?
11.  Charlemagne believed in …
12.  _______ headed a convent in Germany and composed Church music.
13.  _______ was a census taken in England by William the Conqueror.
14.  _______signed the Magna Carta in 1215.
15.  A group of small territories in Eastern Europe ruled by Vikings was called _______.
16.  What separates Britain and Ireland from the rest of Europe?
17.  Mountains and rivers shaped European culture by…
18.  The Concordat of Worms limited the emperor’s _______.
19.  What allowed trade to resume in Europe by 1100?
20.  How did the Black Death affect Europe?
21.  Moscow became an important city because it a _______ center.
22.  What was a key feature in Gothic cathedrals?
23.  The Crusades were a holy war launched by _______ against _______.
24.  Under feudalism, _______ were warriors in armor who fought on horseback.
25.  _______ are steep-sided valleys that are inlets of the sea.

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